
Milkweed Plants Available
Butterfly Host Plants
Native Plants

Butterflies are valuable contributors to our environment, yet each year more than two million acres of habitat are being lost, resulting in diminishing butterfly populations.  Michigan Native Butterfly Farm is dedicated to promoting public awareness through education and conservation efforts in our community and throughout the United States. 

Located on seven acres in the Oak Openings region of southeast Michigan, our farm is home to more than 60 butterfly, skipper and moth species!  Observing and identifying these many beauties prompted us to develop our Butterfly Gardens to Go product line of plants for butterfly enthusiasts and gardeners to invite and encourage butterflies to their own backyards, places of business, communities and more.  We are certified through Monarch Watch as Waystation #4774, and The National Wildlife Federation as a Wildlife Habitat.

As members of AFB (Association for Butterflies), we support and promote the annual BEAD holiday by participating in local events and encouraging our customers to celebrate this day with community activities, or special event days at their garden centers, exhibits and schools.

Our farm supports the Monarch Watch Waystation program, and we have consulted, designed and overseen the installation of dozens of Waystations.  We also participate in the Tagging program, annually tagging and releasing more than 1,000 locally and providing thousands of Monarchs for tagging events throughout the United States.

We assist citizen scientists in their passion for butterflies by providing resources and products for the rearing, care and habitat development of backyard butterflies and educators by providing butterflies in all stages of development.

It is our privilege to supply more than 40 exhibits throughout the U.S. with beautiful butterflies to support their ongoing education and conservation efforts.

Michigan Native Butterfly Farm is a member of the following organizations:

  • Association for Butterflies (AFB)
  • Oak Openings Landowner Registry
  • Association for Butterflies – Advanced Disease Prevention in Lepidoptera